Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wait, what?

I'm not really sure what I want to turn this into.  I'm sort of bad at things like blogging.  And anything that requires a continual obligation.  Or a memory, really.

I've already forgotten what I intended to be the point of this post.

It's okay, I'll come up with another one eventually.  Or I'll wander so far off topic that it won't matter.

It's most likely to be the second option.

Well.  Here I am though.  I'm 36.

I'm a mother of two.  My son is 16 and my daughter is 14.  Most posts will contain stuff about them.  If you don't like hearing about my kids, you should just go now.  I've pretty much raised them on my own.  

I suffer from chronic pain.  I have arthritis in my hands, and fibromyalgia.  If you think FM isn't a real disorder, kindly fuck off.  I lived in pain, every moment of my life, since I was 14.  It will only get worse.  It will never get better.  I have OCD.  Persistent panic attacks.  Social Anxiety.  I have had two breakdowns that left me with some neurological damage.  I don't leave the house very often.

I'm without religion.  I'm atheist.  All dieties included.

I'm sort of addicted to music.  And by sort of, I mean wholly and absolutely.  I cannot live without music.  There is no life without music.  I prefer Early Music.  I listen to a lot of game-oriented music and OSTs.

I'm a gamer.  I've been a gamer since the Atari.  I'll be a gamer until I die.  I've always preferred RPGs, but these days RPGs are so fucking easy.  It's ridiculous.  There's no challenge anymore.  So now I play a lot of FPSs.  At least it's a challenge.  Currently playing Halo 4 Spartan Ops, since they're still releasing new eps, AND THEY FINALLY HAVE GRIFBALL UP OMFG YESSSSSSSSS; also playing Borderlands 2.  I need to play the Hammerlock dlc but where my mac version be at, Gearbox?

I'm a history nerd.  A sci fi nerd.  A voracious reader.  I love social media.

I would rather stab you than go without coffee.

I'm also updating this post, as of 5 June 2013.  I turn 37 in 9 days.  I love being my age.  I have no problem admitting it.  I would never be any other age than what I am.  Because I lived those years.  I struggled and fought.  I loved them.  I still love them, because I am alive, and I have a place to live and food to eat.  I won't disregard them or degrade them by saying I have less of them.

I craft!  Congratulations if you've made it this far!  I really hope you have because now this blog is turning into my craft blog! I'll make a new post going on about that though.


Hi.  How's it going?


  1. Fibro isn't real. It's all in your head!
    Sorry, I couldn't resist. This is why I moderate comments and keep a long list of asshole's profiles stored for later use ;)


      Aw yiss. Comment moderation, bitches.
